Island of Ireland:
Irish Coastal Environment Group – Coastwatch (normally just referred to as Coastwatch) is the eNGO member for the island of Ireland. For the Coastwatch survey related work Ulster Wildlife Trust is our Northern Ireland partner.
CWE primarily protects wetlands by raising public awareness of their value and demonstrating practical ways to save them. Coastwatch Europe has participated at hundreds of events since the 1980’s and published several dozen articles, scientific papers and books.
The goal of CWE is the protection and sustainable use of coastal resources, and informed public participation in environmental planning and management. Coastwatch Europe is driven by public participation.
Supported by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications, through the Irish Environmental Network.

Like other Irish national eNGOs we apply for annual core funding from government. The grant we are grateful to acknowledge ranges from 8 – 12000 euro/annum and comes from the DCCAE, dispersed through IEN. Additionally our Coastwatch autumn survey has benefitted from project funding from the Marine Environment Policy Budget of the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government. This 21,037 euro covered most of our administration, travel, printing, training and GIS mapping of results. A biodiversity stipend from NPWS towards seaweed work expenses and small donations and seminar takings at the door made up the remaining income. As a rule Coastwatchers all work as volunteers from surveyors to regional and national coordination. Additional invaluable help is brought by Interns. Only some administration, accounts and top data handling /GIS work is paid. A copy of our accounts for 2016 is available here.

​Volunteer work done gratis is also key for Coastwatch. We thank all our volunteers! Approx. 2000 Coastwatch volunteers participating on our survey every year. The average time spent is one day each between prep, survey and input of data. Approx. 120 of the surveyors do active follow up work to protect, clear, restore, litter pick... The average is two days, but up to 40 days. Thank you all!
12 Regional Coordinators - Approx. 6 days each – 8 in the Core Group (including overall coordination, technical coordination, website, social media, accounting...); approx. 60 days each.

Irish Environmental Network

Sustainable Water Network