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Image by Henrique Craveiro


The All Ireland Survey takes place from September 15th to October 15th.

The survey is supported by the Marine Environment Section of the Department of the Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

All Ireland Survey (Autumn 2023)

Join Us

We would be delighted if you could join us in this annual citizen science shore survey, whether experienced surveyor or total new comer. 

It’s interesting, fun, energising and sometimes challenging and contributes enormously to our knowledge of the coastal rim. With climate change, new policies and laws this is a crucial time to have up to date information and thousands of eyes on the shore. 

Coastwatch Survey 2023 tutorial

Find an area and plan your survey

Here you will find all relevant documents and links for the All Ireland Coastwatch Survey. You can see results from previous years here. If you have any questions, please email


Overall coordination: or call +353 (0)868 111 684.


Find & book your survey area

A map of Ireland with 500m survey units around the coast. Find and book your survey unit.


Regional Coordinators

Contact your Coastwatch Regional Coordinator or TCD office to get an area allocated or ask for training.

Image by Hermansyah

Check the tides

Check the tides and plan your survey to start about 1 or 1.5 hours before low tide.


Download Survey

Download the Coastwatch Europe 2023 All Ireland Survey. Notes and links to guides are included.

5-steps Guide.png

Download Guide

Download the 5-step guide to the surve.

Find an area

Survey complete?
Please share survey data below.

Download Essential Material


Shore Biodiversity ID Poster


Invasive Plants / Algae ID Poster

Download Ref. / Expert

Download Reference / Expert Material

Image by AbsolutVision

Survey Guide Notes

Jellyfish in Aquarium

Jellyfish ID Poster

Image by Nick Fewings

Shellfish ID Poster

Image by Ben Wicks

Seaweed ID Poster

Data input

Share Your Survey Results with Coastwatch

Thank you for completing the Coastwatch Survey! Please enter your survey results and upload photos by clicking on the links below. You can do this on our website on a computer or smartphone, or you can download the Spaces app from Wix (iOS and Android) and join Coastwatch using the invite code: OWQYUO


Survey Part 1


Survey Part 2


Extra Questions

Wix app

Join Coastwatch on the Spaces App by Wix

Download the Spaces app from Wix. Join Coastwatch using the invite code: OWQYUO

Apple Store Download.png
Google Play Download.png

Extras – materials for use throughout the year

Micro-litter Survey

Please, use our visible micro litter app!!
We also use other apps (see here).

Harbour Waste Management Questionnaire

If your survey unit is in a harbour, marina or includes a slipway/pier

Seaweed Module

A citizen science pilot pack to raise awareness about the importance of seaweed.

© 1986 - 2024 Coastwatch

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