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  • Annual Donation

    Every year
    • Coastwatch News and access to data
    • Group email updates and local reports
    • Discounts on Coastwatch events and training workshop
    • Reduced rates on Coastwatch publications and merchandise
    • Take part in Coastwatch research and field work
    • Join like-minded people interested in marine conservation
    • Advice on marine conservation and related topics
  • Annual Donation

    Every year
    • CWE News, our e-zine and access to data
    • Monthly group email updates and local reports
    • Discounts on CWE events, weekends and training workshop
    • Reduced rates on CWE publications and merch
    • Opportunities to take part in CWE research and field work
    • Join like-minded people interested in marine conservation
    • Advice on marine conservation and related topics
Donate: PaidPlans

© 1986 - 2024 Coastwatch

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