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Interviews from Earth Day 2024 Single Use Plastics Directive Workshop

Updated: May 2

On April 22nd, Coastwatch held a half-day Earth Day event at the European Commission Representation of Ireland, in Dublin, addressing the Single Use Plastics Directive. A report, the power points, and a professional video of the event will be produced and uploaded in the next 2 weeks.  For now, we share a link to a four-part TV-quality interview produced by John Gormley at the event.

The first part features Trinity College Dublin student and representative Johnny Dabrowski, highlighting the plastic theme this year, and's ambition – a 60% reduction in plastic manufacturing by 2040.

Part 2 is Coastwatcher, 5th-year school student Ailbhe Flynn reacting to confusing workshop information - Banned Single Use Plastic items may be banned, but if a shop sells them or a cafe offers them it's not illegal.

Clip 3 is Cork Coastwatcher Marie-Terese O'Shea speaking of the success of her university single-use cup ban.

Cip 4 shows Colm Lambert from the Environmental Advisory Unit, Waste Section, Department of the Environment, Climate, and Communications. He presented an excellent overview of Irish law on the banned single-use plastics. In the clip, he welcomes the citizen science work Coastwatchers are doing and refers to the data presented shadowing the impact of the SUP law for the past 4 years.


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