The Coastwatch Survey is designed to give an overview of the state of the coast. It involves volunteers from all walks of life checking their chosen 500m stretch of coast (survey unit) once around low tide, and jotting observations down on the survey questionnaire while on the shore. This citizen science work can be augmented with water tests. Data is then collected and pooled to provide a snapshot of the state in areas surveyed at that time.
The Coastwatch survey was born in 1987 and has adapted over time with updates from paper maps to modern GIS and alignment to EU water law like the MSFD, WFD, Waste and Nature law. It covers several countries around Europe, with some common base questions that are identical and can be pooled for a European report.

Update in progress
The data collected by the hundreds of volunteers participating every year in the Coastwatch Survey, giving their time and energy for free, is published openly under a Creative Common license (CC BY-NC-SA).